
10 言葉を話す花

◆単語・熟語・慣用句訳 (発音、意味)

while ~の間じゅう
curious 奇妙な
rock 揺り動かす
rocking horse 揺り木馬
fly ハエ
naturally もちろん、当然
about およそ
know about~ ~を見聞して知っている
violet スミレ
lily ユリ
valley 谷
daisy ヒナギク
toy おもちゃ
balloon 気球
morning glory アサガオ
dizzy そそっかしい
daffodil ラッパスイセン
hillside 丘の中腹
in tune 調子が合って
tiger lily オニユリ
dandelion タンポポ
caterpillar イモムシ
copper 銅貨
centipede ムカデ
, where そしてそこで (前にコンマを置く)
peaceful 穏やかな
lead 生活を送る
wealth 富、財産


Wait ! Please ! Just a minute !
Dear, I’ll never catch him while I’m this small.
Why, curious butterflies !
You mean bread-and-butterflies.
Oh, yes, of course, I- hmm ?
Now who do you suppose-
Ah, a horse fly !
I mean, a- a rocking horse fly !
I beg your pardon, but uhh-
Did you-
Oh, that’s nonsense.
Flowers can’t talk.
But of course we can talk, my dear.
If there’s anyone worth talking to.
Or about !
And we sing, too !
You do ?
Oh, yes. Would you like to hear “Tell it to the Tulips” ?
No, let’s sing about us !
We know one about the shy little violets-
Oh, no, not that old thing !
Let’s do “Lovely Lily of the Valley” !
How about a daisy duet ?
Oh, she wouldn’t like that !
Girls !
We shall sing “Golden Afternoon.”
That’s about all of us !
Sound your A, Lily !
Little bread-and-butterflies kiss the tulips
And the sun is like a toy balloon
There are get-up-in-the-morning glories in the golden afternoon
There are dizzy daffodils on the hillside
Strings of violets are all in tune
Tiger lilies love the dandelions in the golden afternoon
The golden afternoon
There are dog-and cat-erpillars and a copper centipede, where the lazy daisies love the very peaceful life
They lead-
You can learn a lot of things from the flowers
For especially in the month of June
There’s a wealth of happiness and romance
All in the golden afternoon
All in the golden afternoon
The golden afternoon
You can learn a lot of things from the flowers
For especially in the month of June
There’s a wealth of happiness and romance, oh-
The golden afternoon