
09 怪物をあぶり出せ

◆単語・熟語・慣用句訳 (発音、意味)

energetic 精力的な
remedy 救済策
propose 提案する
burn 燃やす
smoke out いぶり出す
blighter 害をもたらす人
beast 獣
rout 引きずり出す
kindling たきつけ
stick 木切れ
rubbish くず
roast 焼く
toes つま先
toast 焦がす
bounder ごろつき
fetch 取って来る
blow 吹き動かす
furniture 家具
barbarian 野蛮な人
cooperation 協力
carry on 続ける


Well, there goes Bill-
Poor Bill.
Perhaps we should try a more energetic remedy.
Yes, anything, anything.
But hurry !
I- I propose that we-, uh-
Yes, go on, go on. yes, yes !
I- I propose that we-, uh-
Oh !
By Jove ! That’s it !
We’ll burn the house down !
Yes, hihi !
Burn the house- What ?
Oh, no !
Oh, ho ho !
Oh, we’ll smoke the blighter out.
We’ll put the beast to rout.
Some kindling, a stick or two. Ah,
this bit of rubbish ought to do.
Oh, dear.
We’ll smoke the blighter out.
We’ll put the beast to rout.
No, no !
Not my beautiful birdhouse !
We’ll roast the blighter’s toes.
We’ll toast the bounder’s nose !
Just fetch that gate.
We’ll make it clear that monsters aren’t welcome here.
Oh, me, oh, my-
A match !
Match ?
Thank you !
We’ll blow the thing there out.
We’ll smoke the monster out.
We’ll smoke the monster out. No, no !
My poor house and furniture-
Oh, dear, this is serious !
I simply must- Oh !
A garden ! Perhaps if I ate something,
it would make me grow smaller.
Yoo hoo ! Let go ! Help !
I’m sorry, but I must eat something !
Not me, you- you- you- you-
you barbarian !
Help !
Monster !
Help !
Ah ! I’m late ! Oh, dear, I’m here,
I should be there !
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late !
I say, do you have a match ?
Must go. Goodbye. Hello.
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.
Wait ! Please wait !
Uh, young lady ! Do you have a match ?
No, I- I’m sorry, but- mister Rabbit !
No cooperation, no cooperation at all ?
Well, can’t have monster about.
Jolly well have to carry on alone !