
08 白ウサギの家

◆単語・熟語・慣用句訳 (発音、意味)

I wonder ~かしら
drat (ののしる言葉) ちぇっ! いまいましい!
order 命令
let me see はてな えーと (答えがすぐに出て来ない場合)
assistance 援助
bitty ちいっちゃな
steady 落ち着く
chap やつ = fellow, boy
it can’t be そんなに~ではない
as~as A Aと同じほど~
roof 屋根
rafter 垂木
by Jove おやまあ、とんでもない
Jolly well まったく、確かに
extraordinary 並外れた
situation 状態
solution 解決策
chimney 煙突
ridiculous バカげた
lizard トカゲ
ladder ハシゴ
governor だんな
lad やつ
excellent (応答として)大変結構です
pop ひょいと動く
haul 引っ張る
pass up (機会などを) あえて見送る
brave 勇敢な
tie 結びつける
tail 尾
drag out 引っ張る


Now I wonder who lives here.
Mary Ann ! Oh, drat that girl.
Where did she put them ?
Mary Ann !
The Rabbit !
Mary Ann !
No use, can’t wait, I’m awfully late,
On, me, oh, my. Oh, me, oh, my.
Excuse me, sir, but- but I’ve been trying to-
Why, Mary Ann !
What are you doing out here ?
Mary Ann ?
Don’t just do something, stand there !
Uh- No, no, go, go, go, get my gloves !
I’m late !
But, late for what ?
That’s just what I-
My gloves ! At once ! Do you hear ?
Goodness. I suppose
I’ll be taking orders from Dinah next.
Hmmm, now let me see.
If I were a rabbit, where would keep my gloves ?
Oh ! Thank you.
Don’t mind If I do.
Oh, no, no, not again !
Oh ! Mary Ann !
You see here, Mary Ann- Help !
Don’t ! I need help-
No ! No ! Help ! Monster !
Help, assistance !
A monster ! A monster, Dodo !
In my house Dodo !
Dodo ?
Oh, my poor little bitty house-
Uh, steady, steady, old chap.
Can’t be as bad as all that, you know.
Oh, my poor roof and rafters, oh, my walls and- there it is !
By Jove !
Jolly well is, isn’t it ?
Well, do something, Dodo !
Yes, indeed !
Extraordinary situation, but er-
But, but, but, but, but, what ?
But I have a very simple solution !
Thank goodness !
Wha- wha- what is it ?
Simply pull it out the chimney.
Yes, go on, go on. Pull it out !
Who, me ?
Don’t be ridiculous !
What we need is er- a lizard with a ladder !
Oh ! Bill ! Bill !
Er, we need a lazard with a lidder, a lidder a bb-b-
Can you help us ?
At your service governor !
Bill, me lad, have you ever been down a chimney ?
Why, governor, I’ve been down more chimneys-
Excellent, excellent.
You just pop down the chimney, and haul that monster out of there.
Right-o, governor ! Monster ?
You just-
No ! ・・・
Stop ! wait ! ・・・
Steady now.
Tha- that’s better !
Bill, lad, you’re passing up a golden opportunity !
I am ?
You can be famous !
I can ?
Of course !
There’s a brave lad ! In you go now.
Nothing to it, old boy.
Simply tie your tail around the monster’s neck and drag it out !
But, but, but, governor !
Good luck, Bill !