
07 カキの悲劇

◆単語・熟語・慣用句訳 (発音、意味)

loaf バン1個
bread 食パン
chiefly まず第一に
vinegar 酢
splendid 素晴らしい
feed 食べる行為
peppercorn コショウの実
mustard seed カラシ種
seasoning 味付けするもの
fit ふさわしい
weep しくしく泣く
sympathize 気の毒に思う
company 同席すること
realize 悟る
scarcely 殆ど~ない
odd 異常な
moral 教訓
happen to+不定詞 たまたま~する
recitation 朗読
verse 節
incessantly 絶え間なく
reply 返事をする


Well now, uh- let me see-
Ah ! A loaf of bread is what we chiefly need.
listen ! How about some pepper and salt and vinegar, aya ?
Oh yes, yes, splendid idea !
Haha, very good indeed !
Now, if you’re ready oysters dear-
We can begin the feed.
Oh, yes, ahh-
The time has come, my little friends to talk of food and things.
Of peppercorns and mustard seed and other seasonings.
We’ll mix them all together in a sauce.
That’s fit for kings.
Callooh, callay. We’ll live today !
Like cabbages and kings !
I uh, I weep for you. hic, oh, excuse me,
I deeply sympathize.
For I’ve enjoyed your company, oh, much more than you realize.
Little oysters, little oysters-
But answer there came none.
And this was scarcely odd because they’d been eaten, every one !
The time has come !
We’re cabbages and kings !
The end.
That was a very sad story.
Aya, and there’s a moral to it.
Oh, yes, a very good moral, if you happen to be an oyster.
Well, it’s been a very nice visit-
Another recitation-
I’m sorry, but-
Entitled “Father William.”
But really, I’m-
First verse:
“You are old, father William.”
the young man said,
“and your hair has become very white:”
And yet you incessantly stand on your head-
Do you think, at your age, it is right, is right ?
“Well, in my youth”
father William replied to his son,
“I’d do it again and again and-